
    Beauty in comfort

    A dulcet orchestra of technology and art, design and inspiration, LineArt CHARMANT is a superior eyewear brand for devotees of beauty and excellence. Inspired by the spirit of music, each precious frame expresses a melodious blend of serenity and joie de vivre. Elegantly assembled and strikingly styled, LineArt CHARMANT frames offer light flexibility and superlative wearing comfort are matched by a unique, eye-catching beauty. The look and performance of LineArt CHARMANT frames are accomplished by expert design and the outstanding features of Excellence Titan.


    優雅品味 舒適美麗

    日本高級精品眼鏡品牌 LineArt CHARMANT,細膩、超凡的日本工藝,完美柔軟的質感,締造無可媲美的佩戴享受,匠心設計,結合高科技專利物料「EX 鈦」(Excellence Titan) 及精密的緻焊接技術,成就出獨一無二的藝術精品眼鏡,展現出最卓越、最懾人的魅力。 LineArt CHARMANT 設計靈感源自於管弦樂器中和諧的聲音和美麗的音樂元素,以簡約纖細的線條結合專利的物料打造出獨特的鏡臂結構,設計高貴時尚,完美輕柔的觸感為佩戴者提供卓越的舒適度,流露出優雅的生活品味和態度。