
    J.F. REY 法國鬼才設計師 Jean-Francois Rey ,1995年創立自家品牌「 J.F REY 」,到如今已榮獲多項國際設計大獎,他不拘泥於傳統鏡架材質的束縛,運用多重元素,以科技為發展基礎,挑戰令人嘆為觀止的眼鏡設計。J.F. REY 擅長採用極多元化的物料與色彩設計,設計保留物料的特色外,更以不同的物料組合出新穎的時尚感。

    J.F. REY is a French visionary designer named Jean-Francois Rey who creates limited edition, handmade, and globally renowned fashionable eyewear. He founded his own brand “J.F REY” in 1995, and has since won numerous international design awards. He is not bound by traditional frame materials, instead utilizing multiple elements and technology as the foundation for developing breathtaking eyewear designs. J.F. REY excels at utilizing a diverse range of materials and colors in their designs. Their designs retain the characteristics of these materials while combining them in novel ways to create a unique sense of fashion.